Transport cold room manufacture

We offer transport of chilled food and products above freezing in the +0°C to +7°C range and up to +16°C. The exact temperatures depend on the actual product. In order to ensure the transport temperature, we use premium quality cooling systems world-leading companies in the vehicle cold storage sector. All the systems and the vehicle are subject to a precise maintenance schedule and regular training for drivers ensures they are expertly operated.

Portable cold rooms, suitable temperature, 100~200 PU/PIR panel with good insulation, high efficiency condensing unit, power consumption saving cost


container freezer cold room - container chiller cold room 

freezer for van - freezer for car - freezer for pickup - Portable cold rooms - movable cold room - removable cold room - cold room panel

<h3>Transport cold room manufacture</h3>

Portable Cold Room 40 ft / 20ft container 

Internal 40f.t

External 40.ft